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Steven Cojocaru

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Quotes by Steven Cojocaru
 I'll name names, you know I won't hold back.... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut
 I liked Nicole Kidman because she is so fashionable she can do less is more. It ... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut
 The criteria, for me, is movie star. It's Hollywood. Not Somalia.... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut
 I'm a writer. Now I've started to be on television. I have a big mouth. ... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut
 I was born with this. It's a hereditary genetic condition. This is something... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut
 I was on this bridge overlooking the carpet... I think it went all the way back ... - Steven Cojocaru - Quotes Donut