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Steve Coogan

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Quotes by Steve Coogan
 I'm a huge fan of Jack Lemmon, he was someone who managed to tread that line... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut
 People regurgitate the same old cliches and it becomes like a photocopy of a pho... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut
 I try to not make safe choices, but I also like to do stuff which is interesting... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut
 I don't think there's anything outside what comedy can address.... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut
 My father worked for IBM. My mother raised us kids. There were six of us, and a ... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut
 I used to do stuff at college. I could do voices. I could make some people laugh... - Steve Coogan - Quotes Donut