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Stanislav Grof

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Quotes by Stanislav Grof
 Research challenges the materialistic understanding of death, according to which... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 If consciousness can function independently of the body during one's lifetim... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 Dying people in pre-industrial cultures typically died in the context of an exte... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 There are people who can start having very powerful experiences without taking p... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 Many instances exist of small children who seem to remember and describe their p... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 There is no fundamental difference between the preparation for death and the pra... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut
 I read Freud's Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis in basically one sitt... - Stanislav Grof - Quotes Donut