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Sikhumbuzo Thobejane

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Quotes by Sikhumbuzo Thobejane
 Tough times are there  to uplift you, not to destroy you. Hold on....... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Responsibility is a duty, support is a choice... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Responsibility it's a duty, support it's choice... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Christianity is not a position, is a life style... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Disrespect sometimes can be a shield of those who don't want to hear the truth... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 'Be brave enough to face the unknown'... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 'There are some people who enjoy to be praised, but they can't congratulate you ... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Don't hate people because they hate you, find a reason to love them from a dista... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut
 Break silence within yourself, don't let your mistakes send a wrong message to y... - Sikhumbuzo Thobejane - Quotes Donut