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Sidney Sheldon

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Quotes by Sidney Sheldon
 must... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 Talent is a gift that can be given, and it can be taken away. We have to appreci... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 He believed nothing he was told and trusted no one.... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed cl... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 Não me cantem canções da luz do dia / Pois o sol é o inimigo dos amantes / Cante... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 I love the freedom that the narrative form provides.... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 Cockney girl who was already beneath his tastes. He quit... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 I think that's because believable action is based on authenticity, and accur... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut
 Is Reading Doomsday Conspiracy!!!!!!... - Sidney Sheldon - Quotes Donut