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Shaeira Irm

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Quotes by Shaeira Irm
 With words one can bring some smiles or some crys but you are forgetting about h... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 I would like to make myself a warrior in this world of worries... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 The canvas I created with colors of my efforts and I'll try to make it better ea... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 Everyone commits mistake
And forgiveness is the best revenge... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 Life is too short for those big dreams
So don't waste time by just regretting... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 If I had known what difficulty is, then I wouldn't have been standing here waiti... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut
 Life is an insignia, an imperfection, a story that has only one saga to be confi... - Shaeira Irm - Quotes Donut