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Rose Tremain

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Quotes by Rose Tremain
 What mattered was writing it: the act of words.... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 He’d never seen a rain quite like this so gentle that it seemed barely to fall y... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 Life is not a dress rehearsal.... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 So history is fertile territory for me and I think I could feel happy with any p... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 I have likened writing a novel to going on a journey, with some notion of the de... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 I'm not very interested in charting a day-to-day familiar reality. I'm a... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 Perhaps, all writers walk such a line. In general - as we all do in our dreams -... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut
 The unfolding of a story is both as exciting and as difficult for each and every... - Rose Tremain - Quotes Donut