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Roni Rawls

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Quotes by Roni Rawls
 He/she who is best is always out of the race but still mingles with the rest.
A ... - Roni Rawls - Quotes Donut
 The moon is but the perfect lady of the night, 
The perfect woman is she who lig... - Roni Rawls - Quotes Donut
 Happiness is just but a state of being happy, 
Joy is but an elevation of the st... - Roni Rawls - Quotes Donut
 Love is a story , I'll live to tell of it
Love is a garden , I'll live to water ... - Roni Rawls - Quotes Donut
 With the little strength I felt I had I realized I was strong enough to face the... - Roni Rawls - Quotes Donut
 ???? ?? ? ?????,
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