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Robert A. Heinlein

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Quotes by Robert A. Heinlein
 Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liber... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 It is almost impossible to shake of one's earliest training. Duke, can you get i... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 Men are always for hire who like dirty work.... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 We came here for a quiet, small, informal meeting—strictly business. We find you... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 precess... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 Youse guys think this deleted outfit is a blankety-blank nursery. Well, it ain’t... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut
 Either way, I have no wish to disturb a man sleeping in a gutter; I assume until... - Robert A. Heinlein - Quotes Donut