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Richard Wright

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Quotes by Richard Wright
 The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 And if Poe were alive, he would not have to invent horror; horror would invent h... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 I wanted to try to build a bridge of words between me and that world outside, th... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 There were many more folk ditties, some mean, others filthy, all of them cruel. ... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 Their constant outward-looking, their mania for radios, cars, and a thousand oth... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 Every movement of his body is an unconscious protest. Every desire, every dream,... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 It would have been impossible for me to have told anyone what I derived from the... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 Is not life exactly what it ought to be, in a certain sense? Isn't it only the n... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut
 Ovunque, nella mia vita, io abbia incontrato la religione, ho trovato la discord... - Richard Wright - Quotes Donut