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Richard Matheson

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Quotes by Richard Matheson
 Staring down at the brook, I remembered a stream near Mammoth Lake. We’d parked ... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 She felt all right. Her heart was like a drum hanging from piano wire in her che... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 From that day on he learned to accept the dungeon he existed in, neither seeking... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 You bastard, he thought, almost affectionately, watching the minuscule protoplas... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 There we will, I pray, remain and learn and grow until the time when we will ris... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 Is he worse, then, than the publisher who filled ubiquitous racks with lust and ... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 And, before science had caught up with the legend, the legend had swallowed scie... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 Goddamn your bones, that is the first step.... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut
 That wind of terrible and jealous beauty blowing over me—that dark fire, that mu... - Richard Matheson - Quotes Donut