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Rafael Palmeiro

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Quotes by Rafael Palmeiro
 I respect the Hall of Fame, and if they think that I'm worthy enough, I woul... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut
 I wish that they could have more freedoms to be able to come and play. I know th... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut
 I'm very happy for the Contreras family. They're out. Now they've go... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut
 I wish that they had the freedoms like the Japanese and the Koreans and the Mexi... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut
 My life was on the line here and my career and everything I worked for, it was h... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut
 To snap my fingers and let it go away. Even if it takes the 3,000th hit with it,... - Rafael Palmeiro - Quotes Donut