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Punisher Rohit

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Quotes by Punisher Rohit
 Money is powerful.
The root cause of each and every problems.... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Maturity and bravery is when you surrounded and bombarded with problems , respon... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Sometimes certain circumstances taking.. test of your patience.
Your one action ... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Your  failure .. may be makes you hopeless.. impatience.
but for you it should b... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Don't be sad .. there is many things beyond sadness in life.. enjoy your past & ... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Your growing age .. financial instability , anonymous life.
Fear of future .. Fe... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 Helpless .. Compulsion, Hope .. Success.
these situations & imaginations.

Comes... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 You don't get anything to blame, Why this happened to me or  Why I have this pro... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut
 aajakal kuchh rishton kee buniyaad paise par tikee hai.... - Punisher Rohit - Quotes Donut