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Phil McGraw

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Quotes by Phil McGraw
 We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot for... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 I mean, if you degrade someone, you isolate them, you control them, you call the... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 A year from now, you're gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now.... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 Do you realize that you can't play the game of life with sweaty palms?... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you.... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 Every one of us have things that we believe about ourselves when nobody else is ... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut
 I tell you, if you're in the front row of the parade and you stop walking, p... - Phil McGraw - Quotes Donut