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Pete Hautman

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Quotes by Pete Hautman
 Dear Miz Fitz, My boyfriend is superhot so a lot of girls think up reasons to ta... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 Later it might see moronic, but at that time it all made perfect sense.... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 Miz Fitz, If my boyfriend would just once say "I'm sorry, I was wrong," I think ... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 You already have the capacity to travel through time. Simply wait for the future... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 I don’t even know what the word strange means anymore... that’s really strange.... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 We sit on the floor in front of his oscillating fan and talk sci-fi, and I am th... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut
 Yes, books are dangerous. They should be dangerous - they contain ideas.... - Pete Hautman - Quotes Donut