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Parker Stevenson

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Quotes by Parker Stevenson
 California lacks a lot of the rules and restrictions the East has. Every house i... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 I used to a lot. I used to go dancing.... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 Intellectuals would be much more accepted now than in the '40s.... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 The first two pictures I did, I played a young student in prep school. When I di... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 I like people who are enthused about things they do, like travel, sports, work. ... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 I'm going to go away on vacation, I'm going to try to get away from the ... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut
 If I have a Sunday free, I'll go up the coast and spend some time on the bea... - Parker Stevenson - Quotes Donut