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Quotes by Nsc❦︎
 Everybody will leave you,if its not by their own choice then its by death. God o... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut
 Words?baby keep that for you, i wanna see actions :)... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut
 No matter who comes and goes,never lose yourself... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut
 Future things seem so far but yet so close... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut
 Maturity? Y'all thought it was based on age? Pathetic... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut
 ??????????'??? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????????????... - Nsc❦︎ - Quotes Donut