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Nelson DeMille

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Quotes by Nelson DeMille
 I tried to picture a bunch of guys in blue suits running around a beachside neig... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 ...the most common cause of death among alpha males was ego.... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 Henry Mercado, Purcell knew, was comforted by thinking he was protecting the Hol... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 Detective Ramos confided in me, 'If something happens to you on my watch my ass ... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 The meaning of life has not much to do with good and evil, right and wrong, duty... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 How you doing at 26 Fed?"  “I’m growing and learning, meeting new challenges wit... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 But that's all hindsight. That evening, my mind was cloudy, and my good judgment... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut
 As we say, if your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.... - Nelson DeMille - Quotes Donut