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Naomi Novik

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Quotes by Naomi Novik
 They are ours,” he said, “although not properly the sailors: they are only along... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 I do not know that the Chinese system is any worse; there is a limit to the evil... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 It seems to me after a fellow has been mutinied against three or four times, the... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 I do not think you are in any danger of starving," Maximus said. "The surgeon sa... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 I will tell you what we shall do: if ever you need to rescue Catherine, or you B... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 Next you will cry about taxation without representation, and throw a basket of t... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 keep your eyes on him, you wretched vainglorious creature,... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 truth didn’t mean anything without someone to share it with; you could shout tru... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut
 If I were very offensive, do you suppose they would go away now?... - Naomi Novik - Quotes Donut