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Nandera Ketra Venesa

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Quotes by Nandera Ketra Venesa
 You don't have to wait until something happens for you to be happy.Nightbirde... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 In a number of situations,you need to let go.Its not that your giving up,your ju... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 Be that gravitational force pulling all negativity down.
Be positive always... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 You will get through this , it's just a matter of time.... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 When everything feels so wrong, when you feel you have had enough,when you feel ... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 When things seem to never have an end,
But you just have to keep going.......... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 Dream big,
                And make those 
                                     ... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 That one virtue that I love so much,
       I treas... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut
 Sometimes all you need to do is to listen,
              You don't have to talk,... - Nandera Ketra Venesa - Quotes Donut