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Quotes by Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA
 Why do the same people we helped turn out to be our worst betrayers ?... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 Aliens kinda think efforts being made to establish life on Mars are done with Ea... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 Where the young sees an opportunity, the old sees a threat. Where he sees happin... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 There's nothing like a juvenile who understands priorities.... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 Beauty will always mean nothing to the blind... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 Education without building character has always been a threat to humanity... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 At college, there was this girl with a jumper everywhere printed on "but I love ... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut
 We outlive our life expectancy by learning history.... - Modeste NSHIMIYIMANA - Quotes Donut