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Michael Chabon

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Quotes by Michael Chabon
 Although it wasn't raining anymore, the air was still heavy with water, and rain... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 I was thinking, too, of Superman and his fortress of solitude.... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 If only there were a game whose winning required a gift for the identification o... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 It holds my essential stuff, including a book—for true contentment, one must car... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 Man makes plans . . . and God laughs.... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 In order to destroy the world, it becomes necessary to save it.... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 Oops, the moth woman mumbles... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 Telling the truth when the truth matters most is almost always a frightening pro... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut
 There was nothing a man couldn't do with three thousand dollars and a suitcase f... - Michael Chabon - Quotes Donut