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Mason Cooley

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Quotes by Mason Cooley
 I have learned to keep to myself how exceptional I am.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 Magic trick: to make people disappear, ask them to fulfill their promises.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 The only peace is being out of earshot.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 Young men preen. Old men scheme.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 We are more tied to our faults than to our virtues.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 The man of sensibility is too busy talking about his feelings to have time for g... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 The gods are watching, but idly, yawning.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 A real idea keeps changing and appears in many places.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut
 The man in the street is always a stranger.... - Mason Cooley - Quotes Donut