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Marco Rubio

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Quotes by Marco Rubio
 And I think for some - not all - but for some Democrats, the issue of immigratio... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 Barack Obama doesn't believe in free enterprise. He's never going to adm... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 No community values entrepreneurship and small business more than the Hispanic c... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 Let's stop big government energy mandates like cap-and-trade, and instead tr... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 Mitt Romney understands free enterprise, he has worked in it. He has seen compan... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 I pinch myself because of the understanding that I've been blessed with a re... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 You know that big government doesn't hurt big corporations. They've got ... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut
 Mitt Romney will stop the attacks on job creators, encourage entrepreneurs to ch... - Marco Rubio - Quotes Donut