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Kenneth Grahame

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Quotes by Kenneth Grahame
 Here and there great branches had been torn away by the sheer weight of the snow... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 It's never the wrong time to call on Toad. Early or late he's always the... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 was absorbed and deaf to the world; alternately scribbling and sucking the top o... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 For my life, I confess to you, feels to me today somewhat narrow and circumscrib... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 It seemed a place where heroes could fitly feast after victory, where weary harv... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 when tired at last, he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to hi... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories i... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 It'll be all right, my fine fellow," said the Otter. "I'm coming along with you,... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut
 SONG. . . . BY TOAD. (Composed by himself.) OTHER COMPOSITIONS. BY TOAD will be ... - Kenneth Grahame - Quotes Donut