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Kate Bornstein

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Quotes by Kate Bornstein
 We have looked for myths that include us in great novels, music, the latest comi... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut
 There's no such thing as hurting someone for their own good. There's only hurtin... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut
 The differences in the way men and women are treated are real. And the fact is t... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut
 Personally, I think no question containing either/or deserves a serious answer, ... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut
 Let's stop pretending that we have all the answers, because when it comes to gen... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut
 I have this idea that every time we discover that the names we're being called a... - Kate Bornstein - Quotes Donut