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Joyce Carol Oates

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Quotes by Joyce Carol Oates
 What is "technique" but the absence of passion?... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 Loving Felix she’d acquired from him a certain arrogance, telling so many lies s... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 ... the hopeful young author had no doubt that books might change the world.... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 Poetry is what frightens. It is rare, and worth waiting for.... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 Obviously the imagination is fueled by emotions beyond the control of the consci... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 Still, I am angry with him. I am very angry with him. With my poor dead defensel... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 When you give up struggle, there's a kind of love.... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 The denial of language is a suicidal one and we pay for it with our own lives.... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut
 In so sick a society as ours how is it possible that any citizen is healthy, at ... - Joyce Carol Oates - Quotes Donut