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John Scalzi

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Quotes by John Scalzi
 His progress was more lateral than forward.... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 He was determined to be the most touristy tourist who had ever touristed,... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 You have five minutes,” I said. “Of course, because any more time would make thi... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 You are, at least to a certain approximation, human. You’re not supposed to be h... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 It’s not spam if you agree to it,” Tony said. “They just won’t have much of a ch... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 I’ve been told my liminal space is like the dark of the grave. But I think of it... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 After watching Star Wars everyone wanted a lightsaber and was irritated that the... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 You’ll notice that the Intrepid’s inertial dampeners don’t work as well in crisi... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut
 I'm going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, ... - John Scalzi - Quotes Donut