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Jhumpa Lahiri

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Quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
 knowledge,... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 They still feel somehow in transit, still disconnected from their lives, bound u... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 The future haunted but kept her alive; it remained her sustenance and also her p... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 It was that she had already fallen in love, and been married, and had a child, a... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 That the last two letters in her name were the first two in his, a silly thing h... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 The cosmetics that had seemed superfluous were necessary now, not to improve her... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 I see the people who have lived here forever. They walk quickly, indifferent to ... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 given that she barely saw her father, given that she continued to measure out he... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut
 Do what I will never do.... - Jhumpa Lahiri - Quotes Donut