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Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Quotes by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
 The English think they are free. They are free only during the election of membe... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoeve... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 Force does not constitute right... obedience is due only to legitimate powers.... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 The English are predisposed to pride, the French to vanity.... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the perfor... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 Money is the seed of money, and the first guinea is sometimes more difficult to ... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 However great a man's natural talent may be, the act of writing cannot be le... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 I have always said and felt that true enjoyment can not be described.... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut
 Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.... - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Quotes Donut