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James Levine

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Quotes by James Levine
 The invisible dilemma is that men face the very real problem that they don't... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 We're in the midst of an evolution, not a revolution.... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 I think this orchestra's strengths involve drama and voice.... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 A lot of people get impatient with the pace of change.... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 And, over the last thirty years we have seen men's participation in both hou... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 As major orchestras around the world are gripped in various kinds of crises and ... - James Levine - Quotes Donut
 You try on purpose to get players with different qualities which will rub off on... - James Levine - Quotes Donut