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James Hamilton-Paterson

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Quotes by James Hamilton-Paterson
 I also wish I'd been born with a clearly defined talent for something, or else s... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 I was simultaneously elated and depressed, a common enough state of mind these d... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 We hang here, inquisitive carbon-based life forms, knowing that every atom of ca... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 Racism. . . . fuelled by bitter assertions that no immigrant ever has the least ... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 A culinary triumph: the ingenious use of food as an offensive weapon.... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 Have you noticed how just trying to impose any sort of chronology on events make... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut
 The chef who cooks without a song on his lips cannot hope to infuse the right ca... - James Hamilton-Paterson - Quotes Donut