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Henry Hazlitt

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Quotes by Henry Hazlitt
 To try to cure unemployment by inflation rather than by adjustment of specific w... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 It is best to avoid analogy except for purposes of suggestion, or as a rhetorica... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 Half the thinking process, as pointed out, depends on the occurrence of suggesti... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 For the amount of real capital at any moment (as distinguished from monetary tok... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the ... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 The interest rate is merely the special name for the price of loaned capital. It... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 Eternal vigilance is the price of an open mind.... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 Mere inflation-that is, the mere issuance of more money, with the consequence of... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut
 las intervenciones de los gobiernos sólo tienen en cuenta las consecuencias que ... - Henry Hazlitt - Quotes Donut