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Geoff Dyer

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Quotes by Geoff Dyer
 A restaurant on the moon could not have had less atmosphere.... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut
 Everyone was nowhere to be seen... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut
 He was the subject of a little respectful ribbing. But he was, of course, the ca... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut
 I always like to be in the presence of people who are good at and love their job... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut
 It's striking how many of the world's biggest problems, and many of the small on... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut
 Have more than one idea on the go at any one time. If it's a choice between writ... - Geoff Dyer - Quotes Donut