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Estelle Parsons

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Quotes by Estelle Parsons
 I like time off because I also have a life outside of theater.... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut
 You can't just trust to luck; you have to really listen to what that charact... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut
 At this point the theater America is in such a precarious place.... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut
 It is so important to get respect for what you do and at the same time give it.... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut
 The staff, stage managers, ushers all behaved as if they respected the actors.... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut
 In theater, the wellspring of the character comes from the doing of it, like a t... - Estelle Parsons - Quotes Donut