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Quotes by Elz
 The ability to conquer is with in you. Let it ou... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 Through all the trials and tribulations we still have fresh air to breath everyd... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 We all were born to prosper, Wake up and claim your destiny... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 Keep calm , life is a storm... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 The greatest achievement is making yourself  happy... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 Creating chances when all you see is darkness... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 I figured out life when i started living... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 Accomplishing your purpose can cause confusion to the viewer... - Elz - Quotes Donut
 Time is given not kidnapped... - Elz - Quotes Donut