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Donna Tartt

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Quotes by Donna Tartt
 This is the East Coast, boy. I know they're pretty laissez-faire about dress in ... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 I felt I understood the secret grandeur of dying, all the knowledge held back fr... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 I love the tradition of Dickens, where even the most minor walk-on characters ar... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 Different cultures and all that, but it’s true what they say about the Japanese ... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 And yet it was remarkable too how his world limped on without him. Strange, I th... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 MIGHT HAVE LIKED Xandra in other circumstances—which, I guess, is sort of like s... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 I'd given up trying to explain Hobie to Boris: the house, the workshop, his thou... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 Worse: the thought of returning to any kind of normal routine seemed disloyal, w... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut
 Because, here’s the truth: life is catastrophe.... - Donna Tartt - Quotes Donut