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Dave Barry

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Quotes by Dave Barry
 You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 Molly squeaked and clicked (the clicks were the hardest) something back, which s... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 As a child, I was more afraid of tetanus shots than, for example, Dracula.... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 My theory is that there is a finite amount of intelligence in a family, and you'... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 The four building blocks of the universe are fire, water, gravel and vinyl.... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 Leonard Aster thanked Fighting Prawn and the Mollusk tribe for their hospitality... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 Almost half of the people over 40 believe they look younger than they are. This ... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 Never again will I underestimate the persuasive power of a woman with legal trai... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut
 Smee? What Cap'n?  You are a supreme idjit. Aye cap'n.... - Dave Barry - Quotes Donut