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Chuck Palahniuk

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Quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
 ثمة تفاصيل في الماضي لا تملك التحكم فيها.... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Ev... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 We're all going overnight express delivery straight to Hell.... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 you can't escape the world, and you're not responsible for how you look, if you ... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 That's the best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than se... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 Most times, it's just a lot easier not to let the world know what's wrong... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 If there’s any trick to doing a job you hate . . . Mrs. Clark says it’s to find ... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 she’s confused and afraid to commit to the wrong thing so she won’t commit to an... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut
 It's the martyrdom of Saint Me.... - Chuck Palahniuk - Quotes Donut