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Carolyn Keene

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Quotes by Carolyn Keene
 Slowly she surveyed her surroundings and took in the tiny gold lights glinting i... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 I promise to be as careful as a pussycat walking up a slippery roof,... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 Before she turned around to face him, she wiped away the tears that had started ... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 I'm Fred Mathews... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 Then she began to quote from Shakespeare: ‘But love is blind, and lovers cannot ... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 I'll wire the International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers and gi... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut
 Do act mysterious. It always keeps them coming back for more... - Carolyn Keene - Quotes Donut