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Bongani Ndaba

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Quotes by Bongani Ndaba
 Love is a Seed that grows beyond measurable doubts, it has no boundaries. It has... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 The Time we Lose in Life can not be restored but the time we still have can be u... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 The Road to success was never Meant to be Easy. You are your Limit, your success... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 You Pray God "EVEN" when Situations are tough. 

Not "Because" you are blessed w... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 In the darkest hour go deeper in prayer, you shall see that God is your Light.... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 A real men's heart only belongs to one Woman.... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 I don't regret my past, I embrace every Step I came across, for I know My Blessi... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut
 Allow your self to fall, make sure you stand up, and Work hard to stay up, for y... - Bongani Ndaba - Quotes Donut