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Beverly Cleary

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Quotes by Beverly Cleary
 I had a very wise mother. She always kept books that were my grade level in our ... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 the front, brushed her teeth, and went to bed... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 Amy thought a moment. How could they get rid of their mother? “We could have her... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 Poor Miss Binney, dressed like Mother Goose, now had the responsibility of sixty... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 confided... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 They wiped his paws on a good bath towel whenever he came in with wet feet, beca... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 MILLION... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 The world, Ramona decided, was full of people who used their dictionary skills a... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut
 nothing.... - Beverly Cleary - Quotes Donut