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Quotes by Beatrix
 "  We All Wear Scars 
Find Someone
Who Makes Yours 
Feel Beautiful. "... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut

The best kind of people are the ones 
come into your life,
and make... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut
 " Happiness Does Not Depend On Outward
   Things, But On The way We See Them. "... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut
 Joyfulness keeps the heart and face 

A good laught makes us better frie... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut
 Who You Are Becoming 
Is More 
Important Than 
Who You've Been... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut
 " You glow differently when  
     You are in the right place
    with the right... - Beatrix - Quotes Donut