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Quotes by Aristotle
 The end toward which all human acts are directed is happiness.... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 With respect to the requirement of art, the probable impossible is always prefer... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 Friendship is essentially a partnership.... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 For the beginning is thought to be more than half of the whole, and many of the ... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 Most people would rather give than get affection.... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 Even when the laws have been written down, they ought not always remain unchange... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 Actions which produce [virtue] are those which increase it, and also, if differe... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice.... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut
 Human beings are by nature political animals... - Aristotle - Quotes Donut