The Western Canon Quotes
 monsters of selfishness and exploitation. To read in the service of any ideology... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 Calling a work of sufficient literary power either religious or secular is a pol... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 Don’t be looking for trifles, Señor Don Quixote, or expect things to be impossib... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 Beckett . . . Joyce . . . Proust . . . Shakespeare... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 Such a reader does not read for easy pleasure or to expiate social guilt, but to... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 Beckett despite his professed preference for Racine, is master and victim, and a... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 To condemn Wordsworth for not writing verse of political and social protest, or ... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut
 The freedom to apprehend aesthetic value may rise from class conflict, but the v... - Harold Bloom - Quotes Donut