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Quotes by Davies
 The gravity of a word that means greatness can't be felt or understood by speaki... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 It's only action that convert vision to physical existence.... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 The way of success has many toll gates. This where you are required to pay sacri... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 If you fail and you don't : realize, react  and retry ,you will never rise.... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 Management is something we are born with knowingly and unknowingly, as long as y... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 The effort of a leader today is the stepping stone of his/her followers.... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 It's only concentration and focus that prove the respect one has to what is tryi... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 Love is an illness that has a specific medicine to cure it.... - Davies - Quotes Donut
 Success can't follow you if you didn't desire it. If it does you will destroy it... - Davies - Quotes Donut